Founded in 2008 as a charitable 501(c)3 foundation separate from Idlewild Baptist Church, The Idlewild Foundation was formed to support and encourage stewardship and generosity throughout Idlewild Baptist Church and the Christian Community. Our mission statement is that we exist to glorify God and to fulfill the great commission through motivating, educating, and facilitating those in our community to be faithful stewards of the resources God has entrusted to them. Stewardship, Godly and God-honoring stewardship, is our heart.
But when many people hear the word “stewardship” they think money. However, stewardship is the management of all of our resources, not just money. Throughout the US and even in Florida we are poor stewards of what is perhaps the greatest resource we have, our children – and our future. In the U.S. there are as many as 400,000 children in foster care. In Florida there are close to 20,000! In Tampa Bay alone this are disproportionate thousands, by some counts as many as 8,000, children in foster care. The Idlewild Foundation now has a goal of being stewards over the lost children in our community. We have done this by establishing a fund, Fund 1:27, which puts up to $127,000 per year into the foster care ministry of Idlewild Baptist Church and to help support foster families throughout the region. We encourage people to focus donations so we can help more children.
So. who are we and what do we do? We are a small organization committed to sharing God’s vision for stewardship and generosity, working to promote God’s kingdom. Our goal is not to be a great foundation. Instead, we strive to be a good foundation serving the great God, the One and Only. Join us on this journey!