It’s all about changed lives! Generous donations to The Idlewild Foundation provide financial aid for active, serving Idlewild members who demonstrate a financial need and who wish to start or complete their undergraduate college education or attend a vocational or technical school. To the glory of God, since 2012 we have given financial aid more than 500 times totaling more than $1,600,000. Scholarship applications are now live for 2025-2026. Please click on the link below to get a download of the appropriate scholarship application.
Click here for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 College Application
Click here for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 Vocational School Application
They are due by April 30, 2025 – so start now! The application should be turned in at the offices of The Idlewild Foundation at the church at 18333 Exciting Idlewild Blvd., Lutz, FL. The application has a great deal of information about the specific requirements of this scholarship program. Public safety employees or children of public safety employees or of parents who have served in the armed forces receive special consideration. For our video on a life impacted by the generosity of God, please watch Chris Evangelista’s story. That video has been moved and we are attempting to relocate it. The short version of it is that with the assistance of God and a Foundation scholarship, Chris was able to return to USF, complete his 4 year degree and get a job.
There is a great addition to Chris’s story. He graduated in December 2018 and got a job teaching music in Hillsborough County public schools. His wife was pregnant as he started his first job – so what did he do? Chris gave his first paycheck to The Idlewild Foundation, saying that God had been so generous to him that he had to give back! Chris understands God’s generosity and how he should respond.
This financial aid program began when a loving couple wanted to donate funds to help those who might not otherwise be able to improve their lives through education. They made this donation anonymously because they want God to get all of the glory. Since then, additional donations have been made and allow the program to continue. We want to also let you know that you can make an impact and add to this fund at any time. Your donations are tax deductible! Our financial aid fund is well managed and we are careful to stay within the guidelines and requirements of the law. Our financial aid committee includes two Idlewild Pastors with knowledge of the applicants and includes other members of Idlewild who are committed to good stewardship of all donated funds – after all, it is all God’s money.
The Idlewild Foundation remains excited to announce the receipt of a grant for $100,000 from the In God We Trust Foundation to fund financial aid for five members of Idlewild Baptist Church who fit the program requirements. This allows The Idlewild Foundation to further expand its financial aid program to the glory of God. The God We Trust Foundation is behind the In God We Trust specialty license plates issued by the State of Florida and has a mission that compliments that of The Idlewild Foundation. Charitable revenue received through sales of the ‘In God We Trust’ specialty license plate goes to fund education for children of Florida residents in the military community, children of Florida residents in the public safety community, and to provide education in public or private schools regarding the historical significance of religion in American and Florida history.
The In God We Trust Foundation has proven to be a good steward of the money received by it through the State of Florida specialty license plate program. They are independently audited every year, strive to comply with the legal requirements, meeting both the letter and spirit of the law, and are working hard to fulfill its statutory mission and God’s plan. Please consider making that step to donate a small amount more when you renew your license plate and select a plate that says what is on your heart, “In God We Trust.”